The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 725: Kjelle B

Hey, Laurent!

Did you need something?

I wanted to thank you for the other day. Er, when you told me to go get that massage.

Ah, yes. What of your back since then?

Good as new! So, yeah. Thanks. It was a big help.

Please, do not give it another thought. I consider it a part of my duties to keep watch for any anomalies. If I can be of assistance in keeping this army in top condition, I shall do so. And that means scrutinizing every last tick, movement, and gesture.

...You do what now?

Er, have I said anything amiss? Your face is most scrunchy.

No, no. It's just that when you say it like that, it... Well, it makes it sound like you're constantly watching us.

Yes, precisely. Constantly watching. Is that a problem?

Not a problem, I guess, but it is kind of... creepy. Like a... stalker. Look, you should be careful you don't make anyone feel uncomfortable, okay? Some people don't enjoy being watched .

Er, I see. Yes, of course.

(Kjelle leaves)

...And you, Kjelle? Are you "some people"?